To all MacGregor grade 8 students and their parent/ guardians;

This year, once again, MacGregor Public School will be offering two end-of-year options to its graduating grade 8 students. Students will be able to choose to participate in the Elective Program in the local area, or Camp Wenonah in Bracebridge, Ontario.

Please note that this year, unless you contact the school to make other arrangements, all forms and payment for year end trips will be made on School Day.  This will greatly simplify the process for us here at school, and for you as a family, as well as allow you to receive timely updates and notices leading up to the events.  If you are not currently on School Day, instructions will be sent home with your child soon.  As well, families are always welcome to call or visit the school any time for support in connecting to School Day.

Camp Wenonah is a renowned summer camp that offers incredible opportunities for students in a beautiful natural setting, located in the Muskokas. We encourage you to visit the camp website, for more information about Wenonah.

For students choosing the camp option, we will be leaving for camp in coach-style buses, in the early morning of Tuesday, June 26th, and will return Thursday, June 28th, around the dinner hour. Families are encouraged to note that Grade 8 graduation is the evening of Monday, June 25th.  Students will be able to select from many different activities that combine recreation, sport, crafts, and team building options. Students will be sleeping in cabins and all meals at camp are prepared on-site. The cost of the trip this year is $220 per student.  All parents are encouraged to attend our parent meeting on February 6th at 6pm.  Further information about camp, an opportunity to meet camp staff, and support with School Day sign-up will be available.

Details regarding the Electives option (which consists of three day-trips in the Waterloo area) will be coming soon, as we are currently confirming locations and transportation.  The cost of that trip will be considerably less, as it doesn’t involve bus transportation out of town, food or lodging.

If you and your child are choosing the Electives option, please wait for a follow-up message in the next few weeks about how to confirm their selection.  If you and your child choose the Camp option, it is important that you complete the forms attached on School Day, and pay the deposit of $70 online before Friday, February 16th.  After that date, your family will be added to a separate School Day group that will allow you to pay the balance of the trip ($150) in one payment or over time in smaller payments, up until Friday, June 1st.

Families needing financial consideration for camp are encouraged to contact the school before February 16th, to ensure your child can participate. We do have a limited amount of general fundraising available to support families in need.  As well, we will again be offering students the opportunity to sell “Mint Smoothies”, with 100% of the proceeds going toward their individual camp fees.  It is our goal to have 100% participation in either the Camp or Electives option!

Please feel free to contact us at the school, by phone are at the parent meeting, should you have any further questions or concerns.


Erica Gillespie, Principal

Categories: Principal's Message