
MacGregor Parent Council is organizing a fundraiser to support the purchase of supplemental classroom technology (e.g. Chromebooks, data projectors, document cameras etc.).  Poinsettias are available in four different sizes and come packaged in a decorative pot cover & sleeved for protection.   Purchasing poinsettias can help us to support quality educational programming in classrooms through the use of technology.

Students may have already brought home a paper order form last week.  An order form is also attached as a link at the bottom of this post.  You can also easily order your poinsettias through School Day, by clicking on the “Products” tab.  There are four types of poinsettias available: 4.5 inch ($6.50), 6 Inch ($11), 8 Inch ($24) and 10″ ($30).  All sizes come in three colour choices (red, white and pink).  Each size is ordered separately and can be paid for online, or by clicking “cash” and submitting your payment in a labelled, sealed envelope to the school.

Students and families are encouraged to collect orders from family and friends, and submit one order on their behalf. These orders can be collated, ordered and payment made by cash or through School Day. You are also welcome to submit the paper copy order form and cash payment.

Poinsettias will be delivered to the school and available for pick up on Thursday, December 1st, between 2:45 pm to 6:00 pm.



Categories: Principal's Message