October 18th, 2017
Oct 17, 2017,
RE: MacGregor Healthy Breakfast Program
Dear Parents/Guardians:
Nutrition for Learning runs a breakfast program at MacGregor Senior Public school every morning from 7:45-8:3Oam. This program is run entirely by volunteers and supported by donations through Nutrition for Learning. Rather than having the program in the school lunchroom, last year we have moved out into the hallway for students to have easy access to grab-n-go options. These options include dry cereal, Goldfish crackers, fruit, vegetables, yogurt, apple sauce, granola bars, raisins, crackers/cheese etc. We offer at least three food groups from Canada’s Food Guide, with an emphasis on fruits and vegetables, and try to compensate for all allergies and lifestyles.
This program is free for all students, and we provide breakfast to more than 150 students every morning, on average. We receive a grant from the Ministry of Children and Youth Services for a portion of costs and must raise the additional funds. We would greatly appreciate any donations from parents, and we have made it easier to do so! You can still give cash or cheque donations (made payable to Nutrition for Learning – see attached donation form), but you can also donate online through Canada Helps:
Please note that the nutrition program is universal for all students and is available whether you contribute financially or not.
This program runs on student participation and volunteer hours alone, so the more students who come out to have breakfast, the more finding the program receives, allowing its continuation. As the program is operated by volunteers, you may also sign up to assist in the morning for set up and serving food. It is a once or twice weekly commitment from 7:3Oam-9am.
Thank you for your continued support of our program.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call the school at (519) 885-6200 or contact the program coordinator, Adeilah Dahlke at adeilahdahlkegmail.com . For more information you can also cheek out the Nutrition for Learning website: www.nutritionforlearning.ca
Best regards,
Adeilah Dahlke
Program Coordinator, MacGregor Senior Public School
Nutrition for Learning
Categories: Principal's Message