February 27th, 2018
Please join us for our second free Window into Well-being workshop for parents and caregivers of students in the WRDSB.
Monday March 5, 7-8:30 pm, at Centennial Public School (Waterloo).
Our topic is: “Helping your pre-teens and teens manage their emotions, make responsible decisions and feel and show empathy for others.” Our speakers are Dr. Heather Henderson, Associate Professor of Psychology, University of Waterloo and Tamara Awad Lobe, teacher with WRDSB.
Please register at the following link:
Further information, including about requesting babysitting or an interpreter, is also available at the above link.
This workshop is being provided in response to feedback received through the “Engaging Centennial Parents to Support Student Well-being” survey. Workshop materials from our first workshop as well as resources for parents related to other well-being topics are available at the “Parent Resources” tab of our school website – https://cnw.wrdsb.ca/parent-resources/.
Funding for workshops provided by a Ministry of Education Parent Reaching out Grant.
Categories: Principal's Message