We are excited to announce Caring/Coping/Connecting, a new monthly newsletter created by WRDSB social workers and psychology consultants.

The newsletter will share resources and community supports with families. “The idea came about because we recognized that there was a need to get information to all caregivers within the WRDSB,” said Heather Faulkner, a WRDSB social worker and one of the many people responsible for creating the new family resource. “Many caregivers and families are not aware that their schools have mental health support available, so by providing a monthly mental wellness newsletter, we are providing resources, information and hopefully, an opportunity for connection to a wider range of caregivers within the WRDSB.”

The first edition of the newsletter focuses on self-compassion and the importance of saying and being kind to yourself. Videos, resources and links to community services are also included and information on a new weekly Lunch & Learn for Caregivers offered by the psychology department.

Future editions will focus on managing big emotions, attunement and validation, negative automatic thoughts – what they are and how do we challenge them, effective communication, and managing stress. Make sure you’re subscribed to our website to receive the latest editions of Caring/Coping/Connecting, in addition to the latest WRDSB news.

Read the January Edition of Caring/Coping/Connecting


Categories: Principal's Message