Further to our announcement earlier this week regarding our return to remote learning on April 19, we wanted to provide more information to students and families about what they can expect.


In-Person Students

Elementary school students, previously attending school in-person, will now engage in remote learning beginning on Monday, April 19, 2021.

Starting back on Monday, April 19, 2021

Teachers will connect with their students on Monday with information about the class schedule and plans and families can expect the school day to mirror the school bell times as much as possible, using the same start and end times and timetables. Teachers may invite students to join a Google Meet by providing the link in their Google Classroom or connect with students via an individual phone call. To help get students engaged in learning, teachers will post a curriculum activity for students in their Google Classroom on Monday which students can engage with independently on the first day.

As teachers connect with students and their families they will also be asking whether they prefer to access learning in a technology-free, paper-package way. Teachers can provide families with further information if required.

What To Expect starting Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Students can expect to receive both synchronous and asynchronous learning opportunities every day. The amount of synchronous instruction in a day will fluctuate by topic, instructional task, or individual student learning needs.

Students and their families can expect to be informed of when synchronous learning will occur, and teachers will provide them with timetables for their school day within their school’s bell times. Every effort will be made to mirror the school day schedule as much as possible.

Learning materials and activities will be based on the Ontario Curriculum and include opportunities for guided instruction, large and small group learning, synchronous check-ins, and asynchronous independent work.

Student cameras are not required to be on during synchronous learning.

Elementary Distance Learning Students

Students currently enrolled in the Elementary Distance Learning Program (EDLP) will continue as normal and teachers and staff of the EDLP will resume their classes on Monday, April 19, 2021 as they did prior to the April Break.

Given the unique circumstances of the school closure and move to full remote learning, we want families to be aware that some timetables may need to be modified. In these situations, classroom teachers will notify their students and families of any changes.


In-Person Students

Secondary school students, previously attending school in-person, will now move to remote learning following the secondary quadmester schedule, but both cohorts A and B will engage in learning daily through synchronous and asynchronous means.

First Three Days: Distance Instructional Support Days

Monday, April 19 to Wednesday, April 21 will continue to be Distance Instructional Support Days. Teachers are using these days to support Quadmester Three students as well as engage in assessment, evaluation and reporting for students. Throughout these first three days, students can expect their teachers to connect with them, either synchronously or asynchronously, to welcome them, set direction and continue their learning.

Quadmester Four Begins Thursday, April 22, 2021

As of the beginning of Quadmester Four on Thursday, April 22, teachers in the in-person program will transition to remote learning. Students from both in-person cohorts can expect to receive a message from their teacher providing additional clarity for their learning going forward.

The daily schedule for remote learning will mirror that of the Quadmester Three and Four daily schedule, with a morning learning block, a lunch block and an afternoon learning block. Students can expect to receive a timetable from their teacher outlining this schedule in more detail.

During the remote learning period, teachers will provide a variety of learning opportunities including whole-class learning involving both cohorts, small-group conferencing and live teacher support to answer student questions and provide individual/small group instruction, demonstrations or tutorials.

Secondary Distance Learning Students

Students currently enrolled in the Secondary Distance Learning Program (SDLP) will continue as normal and teachers and staff of the SDLP will begin Quadmester 4 on Thursday, April 22, 2021, following the previously scheduled Distance Instructional Support Days

Given the unique circumstances of the school closure and move to full remote learning, we want families to know that some timetables may need to be modified. In these situations, classroom teachers will notify their students and families of any changes.

Students with Complex Special Education Needs

On Monday, April 19, educators and administrators will reach out to students and families with complex learning needs. Students who are enrolled in the following congregated classes will be welcomed to attend school In Person beginning on Tuesday, April 20.

  • Elementary ACE Congregated Classes
  • Secondary ACE Congregated Classes

Additionally, we wish to inform families that transportation has been arranged for our ACE Students to attend In-Person learning on Tuesday.

Childcare and Before and After School Programs

As of April 19, Before and After school programs will be closed while schools are closed to in-person learning. Fees will not be charged for the duration of the closure. Thank you for your patience during this time, we look forward to having your child return to the Before and After school program when programs reopen. Please direct any questions that you may have to care@wrdsb.ca.

Licensed child care centres for 0 – 4 year olds will remain open for families currently enrolled at these centres. Please reach out directly to these licenced child care operators for more information.

Emergency child care for frontline workers will be available for families who qualify at designated locations. For more information visit Region of Waterloo community supports.

Device Deployment

Devices to support remote learning were deployed before the break.

Prior to the departure of students on Friday, April 9, elementary schools deployed devices to those students who required them to support remote learning.

If you require a device, but do not have one, please contact your school using their email address or let your child’s teacher know.

Categories: Principal's Message