In Person Learning

The WRDSB is pleased to be opening up and welcoming students back to in person learning on Monday, January 17, 2022.

As we welcome students back to in person learning, we recognize that some families might not be comfortable with their child(ren) returning immediately to school on January 17, 2022. In response to this, the WRDSB is developing a Short Term Virtual Learning Option (STVLO) for our elementary students.

Short Term Virtual Learning

The Short Term Virtual Learning Option will offer weekly asynchronous lessons and activities across all grades and content areas and will run from January 19 to February 11, 2022. While this option is available until February 11, 2022, families who wish for their child(ren) to return to in-person learning prior to February 11 will be welcomed at any time.

Students engaging in this Short Term option will have virtual access to an educator during the school day for when questions arise, however there will not be any assessment or evaluation of student work.

For security and privacy reasons, students will only be able to access lessons within the Short Term Virtual Learning Option when using their WRDSB Google accounts.

Families are also reminded that students may access additional learning opportunities through TV Ontario’s TVO Learn and Télévision française de l’Ontario (TFO). TVO Mathify is also available to provide additional math support for students in Grades 6-11, including 1:1 tutoring.

Families who are interested in this Short Term Virtual Learning Option are asked to reach out to their home school for more information.

Categories: Principal's Message