For Day 3 of Mental Health Week, we thought it would be important to share some information, reminders and resources about self-compassion. Many may not know what self-compassion is, so we wanted to take this opportunity to help educate you!

Theme: Self-Compassion

Self-compassion is an area we often overlook for ourselves as we carry on with the busyness of life. However, it is critical for us to teach and model self-care so students will take care of themselves.

We recognize that self-compassion can take many forms and encourage students to find what fits them and culturally relevant to who they are. According to Dr. Kristen Neff, self-compassion is “giving ourselves the same kindness and care that we would give a good friend.”


  1. Cultivating Gratitude Practices – This video was presented by WRDSB Psychological Services, focusing on gratitude practices. 
  2. Self-Love Practices for Black Youth Social Media ShareablesSchool Mental Health Ontario (SMHO) in collaboration with Wisdom2Action presents social media shareables focused on self-love strategies for Black youth. 
  3. Take care of yourself – School Mental Health Ontario focuses on self care. 

Need immediate help?

Here 24/7 is your front door to the addictions, mental health, and crisis services provided by 11 agencies across Waterloo Wellington. They do the intake, assessment, referral, crisis, waitlist and appointment booking work for these important programs. In Crisis or Need Support? Call 1-844-HERE247 (1-844-437-3247) anytime.

Front Door works with parents/caregivers, children and youth (up to their 18th birthday) who are struggling with life’s challenges such as emotions, behaviours, relationships and mental health.

Kids Help Phone is Canada’s only 24/7 e-mental health service offering free, confidential support to kids, teens and young adults in English and French. Start a confidential conversation with a real person you can trust by calling 1-800-668-6868 or texting 686868.

If your matter is urgent, please call 911 or go to the nearest hospital emergency department.

Missed the previous Mental Health Week messages?

Categories: Principal's Message