June 16th, 2015
Dear Parent/Guardian,
As you are aware, all secondary school students in the province of Ontario must complete 40 hours of community involvement as one of their diploma requirements. Students are eligible to start accumulating community involvement hours in the summer before they enter grade 9.
Since many grade 8 graduates are too young to have summer jobs, this provides them with an excellent opportunity to become actively involved in the community and earn hours that will count toward the 40 hours of community involvement required for graduation from high school.
A list of approved activities can be found in the Community Involvement Manual. A copy of the Community Involvement Manual as well as the Activity Tracking Record are provided and additional copies can be downloaded from the board website www.wrdsb.ca by entering the words community involvement in the Search box in the top right corner.
Should your child have the opportunity to participate in a community service activity this summer, be sure to have your child record the necessary information on a printed copy of the Activity Tracking Record and store it in a safe place. This Activity Tracking Record should then be used by your child to record all of his/her community involvement hours as they progress through high school.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Bryan Rankine.
Michael Martin
Community Involvement Manual.pdf
Activity Tracking Record.pdf
Categories: Community · Parents/Guardians/Community